A declaration made by the Lord Marquesse of Hartford, and other lords and chiefe gentlemen of the county of Somerset. - Shewing their intention of comming into that countie, to be (onely) to settle peace, and not to offer the least violence or disturbance to any His Majesties loyall subjects, either in their persons or estates, (contrary to what hath been falsely suggested) and which hath bin manifested by all their actions ever since. And which doth farther appeare, by the examination and confession of one Captaine Preston, a principall captaine of the trained band of the countie. Whereunto is added, a letter from the governour of Sherbourne Castle, to his worthy friend in London; truly relating what hath passed betwixt the Marquesse of Hartford and the Earle of Bedford, since he came before Sherbourne

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Printed for H. B. 1642 England, London [2], 6 sidor.